Two ordinary people take part in one extraordinary experiment, as they go about their typical day wearing the world’s first human body rig. Covering them head to toe in high tech medical monitoring equipment. What will they discover about how our lifestyles impact our health?
24 Hours Inside Your Body sets out to explore what impact our daily lives have on our health – from the moment we wake, to the food we eat, to the position we sleep in and the jobs we do.
Using the latest technology to both film and monitor the human body over a 24-hour period, two volunteers will have their every movement tracked in what’s believed to be the world’s first, “body rig”.
Scientists are on hand to marry the unique footage with the data. Using the real experiences of people’s lives to find out what’s going on inside their bodies.
For the individuals whose bodies are being monitored, it’s the ultimate health MOT. Each will be given the opportunity to review the data with the scientists, who’ve spotted key ‘trigger points’ when their lifestyle is having an impact on their health. Combining voyeuristic appeal with fun-bite sized health will the volunteers ultimately decide to make changes to their lives?
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